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Answers to common questions.


Boncarbo, Colorado, USA

Check-in: 11am
Check-out: 4pm


If the vision and setting of The Refuge resonates with you, we look forward to hearing from you.

Send Us an Email

If you have an Internet connection or a wireless phone with cellular service, you can send an email message.

First Name
Last Name

Book your stay:


Who is welcomed to The Refuge?
We open our arms and hearts to lovers of Jesus Christ who are in need of rest, replenishment and renewal.
Who is The Refuge set apart for?
The Christian church and its various gatherings and assemblies.
Who uses The Refuge?
Local church groups, mission organizations and Christian non-profits
Who are the most frequent guests at The Refuge?
Missionaries, pastors, clergy, chaplains, ministry directors, seminary students, women’s/men’s retreats, cross-cultural relief and development workers.
What is The Refuge used for?
Church gatherings, retreats, seminars, missionary pre-field training and debriefing, and organization/agency board and leadership team meetings.
Is there a minimum number of nights stay?
Yes. There is a minimum stay of two (2) nights
What is the fee per night at The Refuge?
The suggested donation is $35/night per person. However, because The Refuge operates debt free and is a non-profit ministry, we suggest that individuals, couples, and groups donate what they can. We realize that some people cannot afford the suggested donation per night per person. Others can give much more. All revenue collected helps us sustain, maintain and improve The Refuge (its systems, utilities, repairs, etc.).
Can we bring children?
The Refuge was designed and furnished with adults-only in mind and is regrettably not a kid friendly environment.
Do others share The Refuge with us?
We never schedule another party during your stay. This means the entire space is set apart to be solely yours for the duration of your booking.
Are pets allowed?
We no longer allow pets, indoors or outdoors, at The Refuge.
What about tobacco and drugs, are they allowed?
The Refuge is both a tobacco and a drug (including marijuana) free zone.
Do we cook our own food or is it prepared for us?
The spacious, well-furnished kitchen allows you to prepare meals for yourself. In some situations, we can arrange limited meal preparation. Please contact us about your requests. An outdoor grill is also available for your use.
Do we bring our own bedding?
We provide linens and towels. We do ask that you remove all sheets and towels and put them in the laundry room before you leave.
Is there television, internet and cell phone access?
Two large screen televisions are available for DVD and video use. Please bring your own movies as our selection is very limited. We have intentionally avoided live television and internet in order to encourage you to disengage from technology and engage your interior life. Some cell phones occasionally work, but we discourage their use. There is a phone line for local and emergency calls only. If you need to keep in touch with family back home, a pre-paid phone card can be very useful with our landline.
What is the weather like?
The weather is typical drama-ridden Colorado weather. It can change rapidly from sunshine to storms. Summers consist of hot sunshine and rain. Winters can turn to blizzards. Come prepared for all possibilities. The elevation of The Refuge is 7,200 ft.
How should we dress?
Depending on the season, you will want to dress for warm and cold scenarios. Evenings typically cool off drastically. The sun can be very hot during the day. Bring sunscreen and warm clothing.
What kind of outdoor activities are there?
Dirt roads and trails for hiking and biking sprawl out in all directions from The Refuge. Fishing streams are 30 min. to 1 hour away. Skiing is 2 hours away.

Suggested Donation

The Refuge is a non-profit ministry. We realize that some people cannot afford the suggested donation. Others can give much more. We suggest that individuals, couples, and groups donate what they can.

minimum 2 persons & 2 nights
minimum 2 nights
Day Rate
minimum 2 persons